June 2014

Best Foods for Healthy Hair

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Best Foods for Healthy Hair

Is your look short and sophisticated, long and sleek, outrageously curly or somewhere in between? When it comes to healthy hair, the difference between a good hair day and bad one starts with what we eat.

The key to healthy hair is supporting it with healthy nutrition. The following list contains foods and nutrients that are highly effective at helping you maintain beautiful locks.

You can visibly alter the texture and tone of your hair in a matter of weeks, simply by including these key foods:

  • Salmon: Along with herring, mackerel, and trout, salmon is a terrific source of Omega-3 fatty acids. These acids are vitally important to maintaining great hair, as they comprise nearly 3% of a hair follicle's overall volume. Walnuts, avocado, and pumpkin seeds are also good sources of Omega-3s if you're not a huge fan of fish.
  • Beef: Get your fill of zinc by including a sufficient amount of beef, nuts, or eggs in your diet. Hair is 97% protein, so you'll want to stock up on protein sources that are also highly dense in zinc.
  • Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes help keep your scalp hydrated and free from annoying dandruff by packing a big dose of beta carotene, which converts into Vitamin A inside the body.
  • Eggs: A big dose of iron in each egg helps fortify your hair follicles and actually oxygenates each strand to prevent brittle hair and hair loss. Eggs also boast significant amounts of zinc, which also keeps your hair looking great.
  • Greek yogurt: Greek yogurt is surprisingly good for your hair! Dense in protein, loaded with Vitamins D and B5, Greek yogurt is a yummy and low-calorie way to introduce these hair-healthy nutrients. Vitamin B5 is so popular in hair care products these days it is hard to find one that doesn't boast “pantothenic acid” on the label—the scientific name for B5.
  • Blueberries: Along with other Vitamin C rich fruits, blueberries help keep your scalp healthy and your hair looking great. Vitamin C allows the blood vessels in your scalp to feed your hair follicles more effectively and also helps eliminate hair breakage.

Healthy hair is built from the inside out. While topical hair care products can help shield hair from the damaging effects of the sun and help to insulate hair and trap necessary moisture, the real work happens inside our bodies. By integrating the foods listed above, you'll see a change in your hair after just a few weeks.

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