April 2014

5 Ways to Get Fit for Summer Swimsuit Season

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5 Ways to Get Fit for Summer Swimsuit Season

With many parts of the country still buried in snow, it’s hard to even imagine putting on a bathing suit. However, bikini season is right around the corner.

Now is the perfect time to prepare so you can look your best in your bathing suit. Here are five tips that will have you feeling fun-in-the-sun fabulous.

  • Buy a bikini: Finding a gorgeous new swimsuit will serve as the perfect motivation to want to feel your best in it. For added inspiration, snap pictures along the way to mark your progress.
  • Keep yourself in check: Whether via a hand-written journal or a smartphone app, tracking your nutritional intake and exercise habits will keep you motivated. It can also make you aware of areas that could use some improvement.
  • Know your ABCs: About a month before you debut your swimsuit, cut out or at least cut back on Alcohol, Bread, and any processed Carbs. Doing so will eliminate hundreds of empty calories from your diet every day.
  • Will also help your skin look clear and healthy.
  • Go cardio crazy: Ramping up the cardio to ensure you get at least 30 minutes of heart-pumping exercise three to five times a week will help you
  • Hike up the H2O: Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day cleanses your system, beats bloat, and helps you feel full—all of which keep you from loading up on unnecessary calories. An added bonus? It shred calories, allowing you to feel and look your summer best!

Perhaps the most important thing to remember while working to get fit for summer is to aim for progress, not perfection. We’re all shaped differently and have individual fitness goals, and striving to feel our healthiest should always be the main motivator. Make sure to reward your efforts once in a while and also find swimwear that best suits (pun intended!) your unique and beautiful figure.

How are you preparing to look your best this summer? Please share and comment below.

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